Saturday, August 14, 2010

Cheeseburgers in Paradise

My current project is a somewhat expensive one.

There is an episode of How I Met Your Mother where Marshall talks about how he found "the best burger in New York City." He went into great detail about the burger and the place itself, but could not remember how he got there. So the gang spends the whole episode going from burger joint to burger joint in search of this awesome burger. Every time they think they found it, Marshall says "this isn't it" and off they go to find the next place that might have this magical burger. Finally, in the end, they find the burger place and everything is right with the world.

I decided I wanted that experience.

I have taken it upon myself to find what I deem the "best burger in Iowa City." Indeed, I have had many burgers throughout my life, but very few that elicited as great a reaction as Marshall's. So I have taken it upon myself to go to each restaurant/pub in Iowa City and Coralville (because let's face it, they're pretty much the same town at this point) that serves burgers and try them, one by one, in search of the best.

Many of you readers are personal friends of mine. Okay, you're ALL personal friends of mine. I invite you all, anyone who wishes, to come with me on this journey. If you want to join me, please, give me a call. Send me a text. Write on my facebook wall. We WILL work together to find the best burger in Iowa City. Thank you, my friends. And wish me luck. I hope to see some of you enjoying a burger with me.

-Joel W. Collins