Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My First Blog

The title of this entry is a little misleading. I have tried on many occasions to start a blog, but always find myself getting bored very quickly. This is mostly because I run out of things to say. So I've decided to try again, but with a different angle: On top of the usual "This is my life, isn't it funny/sad/mediocre" type of blog, I'm going to review things as well. I'm going to review movies, TV series, comics, video games, music, restaurants in my area, and anything else I feel merits being rated by someone with no affiliations to anything and who generally does nothing to give back to society.

I will let the readers know a few things about myself. My name is Joel W. Collins, I am a 24 year old Cinema and Comparative Literature major at the University of Iowa. I am about to graduate with a BA after 6 years. I eventually want to go to grad school for creative writing, but am planning on taking at least a year off to just relax from school and work to get some of my debt whittled away. Long term, I want to move to LA and become an actor and screenwriter. High hopes, I am well aware. I, like many people, have a mother, a father, a stepfather, a stepbrother, and a sister. I also have many friends, acquaintances, coworkers, dominatrices, gimps, pimps, whores, and other people who, on the whole, are just fantastic to be around. I love them all, even when they are slightly unlovable.

I am a geek, a freak, a weirdo, a nerd, a perv, and any other adjective you can use to describe an all around good guy who just doesn't care what anyone else thinks about him or the things he likes. I curse like a sailor, I hate people in general (but will give anyone a chance), and I make fun of anyone and everyone I feel deserves it (which is pretty much everyone). I am both a great guy and a terrible person. It's all a matter of perspective, I suppose.

I try to be funny, and some think I am. Others think I'm not, but I always try to be. My comedy ranges from stupid puns to intelligent quips, from movie quotes to original phrases. Hopefully everyone will enjoy the things I have to talk about and I will try my best to be entertaining to all. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship with whomever decides they want to read my humble ramblings.

Welcome to my diary. The Diary of a Fat Guy.

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